Imperfect Understanding

Quant Book Reference List


  1. Futures, Options and other derivatives /John Hull
  2. Arbitrage theory in continuous time /Tomas Bjork
  3. Financial Calculus:An Introduction to Derivative Pricing /Martin Baxter& Andrew Rennie
  4. Financial calculus for finance II /Shreve
  5. Martingale Methods in Financial Modelling (Stochastic Modelling and Applied Probability) /Musiela & Rutkovski


  1. Brownian Motion and Stochastic Calculus /Shreve& Karasatz
  2. Stochastic Differential Equations /Oksendal
  3. Stochastic Integration and Differential Equations /Protter
  4. Numerical analysis /Any related textbook

Junior quant

  1. The Concepts and Practice of Mathematical Finance (Mathematics, Finance and Risk) /Mark Joshi
  2. C++ Design Patterns and Derivatives Pricing /Mark Joshi
  3. Modeling Derivatives Applications in Matlab, C++, and Excel /Justin London

Senior quant

  1. Effective C++;
  2. More Effective C++;
  3. Effective STL /Scott Meyer
  4. Numerical Recipes (3rd Edition) /William, Saul

Interest rate

  1. Interest Rate Models - Theory and Practice /Mecurio& Fabio
  2. Modern Pricing of Interest-Rate Derivatives /Rebonato


  1. The Complete Guide to Option Pricing Formulas
  2. Exotic Options /Haug/Zhang


  1. Credit Risk Modeling /Lando
  2. Credit Derivatives Pricing Models /Schonbucher

Stochastic volatility

  1. Option valuation under stochastic volatility /Alan lewis
  2. Volatility and Correlation:The Perfect Hedger and the Fox /Rebonato
  3. Stochastic Implied Volatility /Reinhold Hafner


  1. Mathematical Methods for Forgein Exchange - A Financial Engineer’s Approach /Alex Lipton
  2. Copula Methods in Finance /Umberto Cherubini.

Numerical Methods

  1. Monte Carlo Methods in Financial Engineering (Stochastic Modelling and Applied Probability). /Paul Glasserman
  2. Monte Carlo Methods in Finance /by Peter Jackel
  3. Financial Engineering With Finite Elements /Juergen Topper

Financial Markets

  1. Dynamic Hedging /Nassim & Taleb
  2. Fooled by Randomness /Nassim Taleb
  3. Misbehaviour of financial markets /Mandebrot
  4. Liar’s Poke–Lewis
  5. Stock Market WizardsI
  6. Stock Market Wizards II /Schwager
  7. Stochastic Volatility /Neil Shephard

Levy process

  1. Financial Modelling with Jump Processes (Chapman & Hall/CRC Financial Mathematics Series) /Rama Cont
  2. Levy Processes in Finance /Wim shouten


  1. My Life as a Quant /E.Derman 40 & 41.Infectious greed & FIASCO /Frank Partnoy

Quant Trading /ML related

  1. Quantitative Equity Portfolio Management /Ludwig B Chincarini / Daehwan Kim
  2. Quantitative Equity Portfolio Management /Edward E. Qian / Ronald H. Hua / Eric H. Sorensen
  3. Algorithmic and High-Frequency Trading /Álvaro Cartea / José Penalva
  4. Algorithmic Trading /Ernie Chan
  5. Quantitative Trading /Ernie Chan
  6. Quantitative Strategies for Achieving Alpha /Richard Tortoriello
  7. Machine Learning for Algorithmic Trading /Stefan Jansen

Reference: link